Friday, July 13, 2012

Top 10 Twitter Posts: Kid-Friendly Manufacturing, 'God Particle' and Memory Glasses

Happy Friday the 13th! Eleanor here, writing this week's tweets-of-the-week update. I know it has been an exciting and hectic week for all of you celebrating the middle of summer and hearkening the start of the second half of 2012! Since we skipped the Friday following Fourth of July, we'll include some of that week's notable tweets, too. Don't want you to miss out! Also, be sure to follow us for real-time updates at @BWCnews!

Credit: BWC
1. Motion Monday — Sparks Fly! on Learn more about the importance of ring bearings and which types lead to greatest efficiency when applied to the measurement of Cathode Ray Tube — commonly called CRT. Do the crossword and win a prize as well ... a double win!

2. Making Manufacturing Kid-Friendly on Manufacturing Executive:  A great article detailing how states and schools can improve STEM initiatives to make science, technology, engineering and manufacturing more appealing to kids. Robot competitions and science fairs were suggested … sounds good to me!

3. The Many Uses of a Printer on Oh my! Printers really are becoming magical machines. First organs, now circuits, switches and sensors are being printed. What’s next? Food printers?! Does anyone else picture Willy Wonka’s edible wallpaper right now? Yum!

4. A Wooden Wonder Ride on Ever wondered what magical things occur in the town of Santa Claus, Indiana? Well, a fantastic new wooden roller coaster called the Voyage in Holiday World theme park is going to make every kid and adult who goes on it feel like it is Christmas Day. This extremely fast wooden coaster travels up to speeds of 70 miles an hour and makes its riders lift off from the seats. If you’ve got your wits about you give the engineering marvel a try!

Credit: Business Insider
5. Recyclable Basketball Arenas on A new basketball arena that can house 12,000 people has been built for the London Olympics. There are hopes that this sustainable venue will prompt future Olympic hosts to construct sustainable Olympic villages that can be recycled after use. What’s next… recyclable houses?

6. ‘God Particle’ Found on Yahoo News: It was a big week for scientists as they discovered evidence that the Higgs Boson Particle did lead to the creation of the universe as we know it. Read the article to learn more details about this important discovery.

7. Detroit the new Venice? on Grist: This week one of Detroit’s freeways was flooded with water. While this may make the city resemble a bit more the regal and beautiful Venice, this occurrence points to the fact that the city is contending with some major infrastructure problems.

8. No more Embarrassing Touch Screen Fumbles! via NewScientist:  Ever accidentally pressed a button on your touchscreen device that led to major texting, gaming or email disasters?! Well, say goodbye to these red face making mistakes because Nokia researchers have created software that can distinguish between intentional and unintentional taps.

9. Firework Fail turns into Fantastic Post-Apocalyptic Display on While San Diego’s firework display may not have been what people expected, the many explosions that rocked the city created a post-apocalyptic display that left viewers mesmerized. Take a look at the fantastic footage!

10. Glasses that can Outsource our Memories On BBC Future: Thanks to Google, we can all now wear goggles that capture footage of all activities of which we want to make memories. From skydiving to throwing a family member a birthday party, all of these events can be made quick and wonderful memories with Google’s new innovation. Read more about it!

Credit: BBC