Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Crushing Stones with "Shocking" Accuracy


Challenge: The customer designs therapy machines to crush kidney/gall stones by a piezoelectric shock wave treatment. The original system used an aluminum guide with two segments. However, inaccuracies were occuring due to deposits from the aluminum and the inability of the guide to handle the 20kg weight especially at the upper 55 degree position. The challenge was to design an application that could accurately position and easily move the therapy source with a minimal amount of friction.

Application Description: The very compact piezoelectric thereapy head is mounted on a 110 degree ring segment. It is moved manually and weighs approximately 20kg.

Solution: Since stainless steel is the preferred material for such an application, a Hepco Ring segment ground all over provided good load carrying capacity and a high level of corrosion resistance. The ring segment also had the required precision to enable the exact location of the kidney or gall stone to be attacked without affecting the surrounding tissue. Because the vee bearing technology has low friction characteristics and allows applications to operate without lubrication, the therapy machine can run dry avoiding possible contamination.

Products Used: HepcoMotion precision ring segment

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