Today is National Manufacturing Day, a time to talk about, demonstrate and reflect on the importance of manufacturing to the economy, both domestic and global. Bishop-Wisecarver has been part of America's manufacturing history for more than 60 years now, so we're celebrating today! Hear, hear to the inventors, engineers, and makers-of-things that fuel the workforce and create jobs for thousands of people in the U.S.
NAM says a recent study showed that 600,000 manufacturing jobs are left unfilled because companies can't find workers with the required skills. Hopefully today's focus will educate people about the field and about how a manufacturing job can offer a rewarding career and long-term security. Join the manufacturing-related conversation with us at @BWCnews!
1. The Newest American Idol (Manufacturing) on Manufacturing Innovation Blog: What if the public was as obsessed with manufacturing as they are with celebrity pop culture? What if they watched the Science Channel's "How It's Made" as obsessively as they did "American Idol?" Part of the goal of Manufacturing Day is to change that, to "highlight the importance of 'making things' to the American economy," per this article, and to shift attention to the many job opportunities in modern manufacturing. That's a cause we can get behind!
2. First Annual Manufacturing Day Highlights Economic Importance, Opportunities via The National Association of Manufacturers helped co-produce today as a designated national Manufacturing Day. The event underscores the importance of the industry to the economic engine, NAM says. Manufacturers across the country will host open houses, career workshops and other events to commemorate this Friday, Oct. 5.
3. A Minute of Motion — Rotary Motion Guide on YouTube: How much can you learn about our HepcoMotion® PRT2 precision ring and track in 60 seconds or less? Watch this video to find out!
4. BWC History on Last Friday, we celebrated Bishop-Wisecarver Corporation's 62nd birthday. It's amazing to look back at this timeline and see how many things this Bay Area-based manufacturer has contributed to the world of mechanical engineering. Bud Wisecarver, BWC's founder, is part of manufacturing history in this country ... and as such, a huge proponent of the cause behind Manufacturing Day. Read up on the origins of BWC right there on our website.
5. Manufacturing is Looking Good on Manufacturing Innovation Blog: The kind folks who pen the Manufacturing Innovation Blog (one of our faves, by the way), put together this handy infographic to help you visualize the state of manufacturing in the U.S. and "the disconnect between perception and facts" about the industry. Pretty interesting!
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Credit: Manufacturing Innovation Blog |