Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ultra High Pressured Waterjet Cutters on Show at the FabTech Expo

Cutting difficult materials like armor plate, glass, granite and marble with a waterjet system can get messy. Even soft materials like aluminum, plastic, copper and brass. Check out this photograph taken on the floor of FabTech from a manufacturer of waterjet cutting systems using our DualVee linear guide wheels. These large machines are designed for heavy duty precision and rigidity to keep up with the demands of high productivity, so it's imperative that the linear motion system used can handle the exposure to moisture and debris. Learn more about the process of waterjet cutting on [ Wikipedia ]

The history is quite interesting too. According to Wikipedia, a forestry engineer named Norman Franz was the first to experiment with a form of what we know today as waterjet cutting back in the 50s. Franz used this process to cut lumber, yet, the technology was rough. Over time, abrasives were added to the water, later leading to the development of very high pressured waterjets and abrasive waterjets. These machines were implemented in the industrial scene as preferred methods with cutting, drilling, milling and even automation in a variety of industries such as aerospace, robotics, defense and automotive applications.

Waterjet cutters are even used in the food industry for cutting poultry, vegetables, frozen meals and even your favorite pastries. Oo, maybe even candy bars? Yum! The uses seem endless, and many professionals can benefit from the use of a good waterjet cutting system. Even artists! Think about the imaginative works you see on the streets of San Francisco or Chicago. Artists are often commissioned to make art made out of glass and metal.

In addition to their precision, practicality and affordability, waterjet systems are considered a green technology because they use natural elements — water and abrasives — so there's no hazardous waste cleanup.

What have you created or produced using a waterjet cutting system? Is this your preferred method or is there something else on the market that's even better?