Friday's here! That means another rundown of our top 10 tweets of the week, including articles we linked to, RTs from people we follow or anything else that caught our eye. If you have any suggestions for the next installment, let us know on Twitter! Find, follow and chat with us @BWCnews!
2. Design Your Own Robot on the Bishop-Wisecarver Daily: OK, so it's not a working one, but isn't it a good gift idea? My Robot Nation uses a 3D printer to create your design.
3. What Tina Fey Taught Me About Time Management on You may not be a comedy writer, but Fey's tips here can apply to anyone who works in a deadline-driven environment.
4. Why Aren't More Women Becoming Engineers?: Female engineering majors take the same classes, have similar opportunities and often higher GPAs than their male counterparts. So what gives? According to this article in Canadian Manufacturing, it's because of subtle biases that chip away at women's professional confidence.
5. Zombies and Entrenched Power Suck Life Out of the U.S. on Forbes: Zombies to blame for the lack of jobs? Yup, according to this columnist, who compares job-cutting corporations to the walking dead, sucking the life out of small business start-ups that actually create work. He poses some interesting questions and perspective on the crisis.
6. Virtual Spray Art on Super cool! Check out this video demo of how it works. It's basically digitized tagging. Seems like a good way for street artists to practice without risk of being caught for vandalism.
7. Put Wind in Your Tank on A hybrid power plant in Germany unveiled a plan to use wind power to create hydrogen to power cars, among other things.
7. Put Wind in Your Tank on A hybrid power plant in Germany unveiled a plan to use wind power to create hydrogen to power cars, among other things.
8. World's First Spherical Flying Machine: Is that a Jedi ball? Japan's Ministry of Defense unveiled the flying sphere at a press event this week. It's unclear whether researchers plan to commercialize it, per, but the agile little device can reach places usually tough to access by air. Wouldn't it also make a cool toy, though?
9. Top 10 Posts on Engineering Careers and Management via Another "Top 10" roundup! This one's really interesting because it touches on a bunch of engineering-related topics — and it's on a site we just discovered. One that caught our eye: "The Fading Prestige of Engineering."
10. Meet the New E-Marketing Assistant on the Bishop-Wisecarver Daily: Last but not least, our marketing department expanded this week! Find Jennifer Wadsworth's profile on The Engineering Exchange and look for her tag (^JW) on Twitter.
9. Top 10 Posts on Engineering Careers and Management via Another "Top 10" roundup! This one's really interesting because it touches on a bunch of engineering-related topics — and it's on a site we just discovered. One that caught our eye: "The Fading Prestige of Engineering."
10. Meet the New E-Marketing Assistant on the Bishop-Wisecarver Daily: Last but not least, our marketing department expanded this week! Find Jennifer Wadsworth's profile on The Engineering Exchange and look for her tag (^JW) on Twitter.